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When will the next update be ready?

Because you buy the paid version and when you go to download the mobile version it tells you that it is blocked?


Everytime i try to open the progress scroll, it crashs my game. I dont know what to do.

When we try to awaken the Sharringan it should technically work since we have Otsutsuki chackra, any jutsu should really work, but especially the 3 main dojutsu :3

 how do i get a scroll for transformation in naruto or sasuke

Does anyone know how to trigger the mission to find Sakura?

hey im having a similar issue as some dude from earlier, my game keeps crashing every time I open the progress scroll  after my date with sakura at ichiraku, is there any way to fix this, cause i dont get an error message, my cursor just gets a blue loading circle to the side of it, the scroll opens halfway, then boom game crashes

Same, idk what is happening. Hopefully it will be fixed


i bought the patreon version but didn't get the code for bonus stuff


How do you increase lust in the girls? I have 7 lust for Ino, but I can't figure out how to increase it. I've done all the special trainings permitted by the 7 lust and I've worked with her and given her tons of different gifts, but her lust just stays at 7. Thanks in advance. Nice game!

Try to do the last available trainings multiple times.

a glitch when we wake up in the hospital after a fight while training ino. after it we were to be picked up by tenten but my game glitched and i just came out of hospital by myself and it does not progress

I can't find the place you're referring to.

The only thing that came to mind was the fight after sex with Ino in Tenten Events. But you wake up at home. And that only happens if you lose the fight. And if you lose the fight, the Tenten Route is closed.

You wake up in the hospital after the fight in the sales event.

Deleted 11 days ago
(1 edit)

Just shifted to the v0.25.1 and the quest for TenTen is 'defeat the thieves which i have already done in the 'sale event'. There are no events happening after waiting for days.

Hey im having trouble with the flower of love for sakura, it wont start, the mysterious man wont pop up when i go to the location at night, and ive done all the requirements, is there a way to manually trigger the flower of love?


Open Cheats in your house. Select Console.

Write:"Цветок любви").start()

to start the quest and then exit to close the console.

I'm stuck on Samui's massage, the progress bar goes to the same point every time I load the game.

Back - Legs - Left buttock - Right buttock


I am not a paying Patreon supporter but bought the game from ichi and can't access certain mods because it says I require a patreon email and code, which I did not get in any email.


I've created a page on wiki explaining version differences

updated to most recent version and no longer have access to paid patreon content. is this a problem that is going to persist across all new versions?

Try to uninstall the game completely and then reinstall it again.

uninstalled and reinstalled 4 times game did not recognize that i had the patreon version of the game. requires a code but i bought on itch

Check your email inbox. I've sent you an email.

Hi guys is it way to start tsunade event if I have shosen Exhibitionism route for Sakura?

why can’t I play it when I try to download it on my phone

the phone can’t support the game u need a pc 

What os? Android or iOS? On Android there should be no problems. For iOS we have this guide

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